
 Sunday, April 23, 2017

  'Marina' by
Andrej Sládkovi? (101-200)
 (English translation - red text)


Nehoden srdca, rozumu, hlasu,
ni o?í, uší a ?asu,
kto v svetoch duší nenájde krásu,
ju? by za?úbil v svätom ú?asu;
a ku sláve sa iste prebije,
kto v jednej kráse pre všetky ?ije
a za ?u horí, o nej hovorí,
z nej si ?innosti hory otvorí.
Z nej borí, tvorí, jej sa pokorí,
zlos? z jej priestoru vymorí!

Unworthy of the heart, reason, voice
of eyes, ears and time
is he who doesn’t find beauty in the world of souls
that he would love in holy astonishment
and surely will he break through to glory
who lives in one beauty for all the beauties,
flaming for her, talking about her
opening all his activities to her
He destroys in her name, he creates in her name,

he reveres her , killing all the evil in her presence !


Moja je ona! z ?ela svitajú
zálohy srdca vrelosti,
z líc krásnych, z hviezdnych o?í volajú
pamiatky mojej ?úbosti:
Na sladké ústa primreli,
aby oboje zjavne vedeli,
?o sa srdcami ozvalo:
Dušu mi dala, ruku s?úbila,
všetko objatím verným stvrdila:
tak ?o?e sokom ostalo? —

Mine is she ! Beaming from the forehead
are the armies of the kindness of heart
from the cheeks so beautiful,
from the starry eyes are calling the memories of my loving :
The lips frozen to the sweet
so that they both apparently know
what has echoed in the hearts
She gave me her soul, promised her hand
confirmed everything with a firm embrace
so what has left for the rivals
? —


„Mária milá, vsta?, uchy? krásne
die?atko, poklad náš drahý;
Jeruzalema mesto neš?astné
svoje na? vysiela vrahy!
Vsta?, milá! chví?a ?ím neodbije,
srdce sa naše bezpe?ne skryje
v tichých dolinách Siona!“
A duša matky hrôzy pocíti,
perlu ?ivota svojho uchytí,
tajdú: die?a, on a ona.

Dear Mary, stand up, and grab the beautiful
baby, our precious treasure
The unfortunate town of
is sending its murderers upon it
Stand up, beloved
! Until the moment passes,
our heart will safely hide
in the silent valleys of Zion
And mother’s soul shall feel the terrors
she will grab the pearl of her life
and there they go
: the child, him and her.


Na púšti krotká samota stojí,
cédrový chládok tam vonia,
tu je syn útly azda v pokoji,
pútnici verní sa sklonia,
jeden i druhý die?a ustíska. —
No hrom Heroda ?aleko blýska —
rodinka, ?alej od neho! —
Vstanú, závistnej dia?ke neveria,
kroky splašené rovno zameria
na brehy Nílu svätého.

A tame seclusion standing in the desert,
scented with cedar cool
here, the tiny son may perhaps be in peace
the faithful pilgrims bow down
one after another, they cherish the child
. —
But the thunder of Herodes roars in the distance

family, stay away from him
! —
They stand up, distrusting the envious distance
their steps, frightened, aim directly
to the banks of the holy Nile


A ke? u? umrel tyran psohlavý,
k ot?ine zas zatú?ili,
šli a od srdca die?atko slávy
na svätozemi zlo?ili:
a s podivením sa ?udovali
nad tým, ?o kryli a vychovali,
?o v staji hrialo hoviadko. —
Tak, drahá, straší aj nás lós ?ierny:
tys’ mati útla, ja ot?im verný,
svet Herod, ?úbos? die?atko. —

And when the dog-headed tyran died,
they longed for their fatherland
they went and put the child of the heart of glory
down on the holy ground
Astonished, they were wondering
about what they were covering and raising
what was warmed up by the cattle in the barn
. —
So, my dear, the dark fate scares us as well
you’re the tiny mother, I’m the faithful father
the world is Herodes, our love is the child
. —

Vek náš je taká próza netrebná,
?e ni? v ?om nemáš svätého;
idea mu je snárstvo velebná,
a vo fabrikách boh jeho:
Do šiat lásky sa sotva oblieka,
krása v otroctve potrieb narieka
a vernos? ka?dý vysmeje.
To je tón ?asu! povieš. Mne ?úto,
lebo tón tento veku tomuto
špatne na pohreb zazneje.

Our age is  such a useless prose,
that there is nothing holy in it
it deeds a glorious idea mere dreaming
its god is in the factories
It hardly dresses in the dress of love
beauty is lamenting under the slavery of needs
and faithfulness is being laughed out.
That‘s the tune of times! you say. I regret,
because this tone will toll an evil sound
on the funeral of this age


Ku krásam slávnym ideálu,
obraz môj drahý, primrime!
Na biednych hanu lebo chválu
vyšším citom zabudnime:
Nech š?astie svoje tí si majú,
?o vo hmlách svojich nepoznajú
rozdiel medzi zemou, nebom!
?o v krásach ?ijú mnohotvárnych,
tí nevá?ia si krikov márnych,
tých, ?o ?ijú samým chlebom. —

With the ideal of glorious beauties ,
shall my dear picture be merged
Let us forget scolding or praising

those poor in higher emotion :
Let those have their own happiness
who cannot tell, while in their fogs,
the Earth from the very skies
Those who live in manifold beauties
they do not value the screams
those living on pure bread
. —


„?o?e ten potô?ik pod tou skalou hu?í,
?i hádam tú svoju skalu ?úbi? u?í?
U? len, u?, potô?ik, ?úbospevným hlasom:
?o sa nedá chví?kou, to sa podá ?asom.
?úbosti, ?úbosti, mala som ?a dosti,
a teraz ?a nemám ani za dve hrsti:
?úbos? moja zvädla, ale ona skvitne,
ke? milý zastane pri vysokom Sitne.“

„What is the creek under the rock humming,
does it perhaps teach the rock to love
Teach it, just teach it
,little creek, with your love-singing voice:
what cannot be done in a moment, that will yield in the course of time
Love, my love, I had plenty of you
and now I don‘t even have two handfuls of you:
My love has fainted, but it shall flourish again
when under the rocks of Sitno my lover will stand


Pamätáš, drahá, ke? s’ tak spievala,
kvet medzi kvetmi milými?
Vetríkov chladných ihra prestala
šuš?a? lístkami útlymi,
a nezábudky tieto slúchali,
fialky vonné dýcha? prestali,
východné zore ?iarili,
a z o?í na tvár, na kupku z tvári,
?o kvetom ?erstvé doniesla dary,
v ligote jasnom jastrili.

Do you remember, dear, when you were singing ,
you flower among the flowers beloved
The cold winds stopped playing
with the tiny leaves
the forget-me-nots were listening
the scented violets stopped breathing
the Eastern skies were shining
and from the eyes to the face, from face to the jar
that brought fresh presents for the flowers
were shining in glorious light


U? sa ti rtíky boli objali,
slová zrete?né odzneli,
ešte sa hlasy kies’ ozývali,
akoby dia? spieva? chceli.
Ústa milostné, u? ste ustali?
?i by ste ozaj na to nedbali,
?e srdce ?alej chce spieva?? —
Nie, k slu?bám srdca v?dy sme hotové:
?o teraz spieva srdce, nepovie,
tajomstvá nechce previeva?.

Your lips have embraced each other already ,
clear worlds have sounded
someone’s voices were still echoing
as if they wanted to sing
Beloved mouth, are you tired
Would you really not care
that the heart still wants to sing
? —
No, we are always ready to serve the heart:
what the heart is singing now, it won’t tell
it doesn’t want to disclose its secrets


Tak si len nôti tá moja drahá,
a vetrík vôkol nej šustí,
a z kupky prší krištá?na vlaha,
zo stromov kvetodá?? hustý;
a kvety zase vonne dýchajú
a v?aky peknej panej dávajú
za bystrú vlahu ?ivota. —
Blýskavú kupku ona odlo?í
v paseke hustej, v zakvitlom hlo?í,
a zas sa vzdiali od plota.

So is she singing, the dear love of mine,
and the wind swishing around her,
crystals of moist are raining from the jar
off the trees falls a thick rain of flowers
and the flowers breathing with scents
and giving thanks to the beautiful lady
for the pouring water of life
. —
She puts the shining jar aside
in dense bushes, in blooming hawthorns
and she recedes from the fence again

Zrakma tajnýma okolo hodí,
nôti? si nemo prestane,

trávou sa bujnou skokom prebrodí,
nad kruhom milým zastane:
a biele ru?e milú poznajú
a korunkami ctivo kývajú,
po?uješ? ka?dá sa núka!
T?? ju upichnú? ka?dý sa bojí,
lebo v suchotách bôle ich hojí
jej dobrá, pe?livá ruka.

Secretly, she looks around ,
stops singing and remains silent
she wades the dense grass with a jump
stops at the place  so loved
and the white roses do know the lover
honoring her with waving of their crowns
can you hear them? Each of them offers itself
All of the thorns are scared to harm her
as she is easing their pains in the draughts
with her good, caring hand


Ru?i?ky moje, kvety ?istoty,
?o sa vy ráno rosíte?
?i o zbavenie t??ovej psoty
v slzách perlových prosíte?
Ja som vás prísnych, pich?avých pánov
a vetrov divých, kvetín tyranov,
na ve?né veky zbavila:
abych vás lásky svojej k ozdobe,
k obeti v?a?nej na otca hrobe,
do vencov krásnych zavila.

Roses of min, flowers of purity ,
why are you crying dew in the morning
Are you asking to be deprived of the plague of thorns
with your pearl-like tears
I have deprived you of the strict, stingy masters
of the wild winds, the tyrants of flowers
until the end of times
so that I can, in order to decorate my love
as a thankful offering on the father’s grave
wrap it up in the beautiful garlands


?e ste slobodu svoju stratili?
Zo m?a si príklad vezmite:
Na? by ste v divej slobode zhnili?
Slávne otroctvo prijmite.
?e krása vaša skoro uvädne?
Š?astný, kto lásky v obe? zapadne,
prach jeho bude poctený!
To osud krásnych krásu vystavi?,
v okam?ení sa jednom oslávi?
a padnú? v svetov premeny. —

Have you lost your freedom?
Follow my example
Why would you rot in the freedom wild
Accept the slavery gloriously
Will your beauty quickly fade
Happy is he who falls victim to love
his dust shall be dignified
It’s the fate of the beautiful, to show beauty
be celebrated in one moment
and fall to the changes of the worlds
. —


Tam si do tône lipy sadneme
na lono bujnej trávi?ky,
objíma? jedna druhú budeme
vo vencoch lásky, ru?i?ky!
Vernos? si ve?nú s?úbite sväte,
vernos? do smrti si zachováte,
zradky?a, ktorá odpadne!
Ten smutne zhynie, kto sa rozlú?i:
š?astný, kto v sladkom lásky náru?í,
jak vy, milené, uvädne!

There shall we sit down in the shade of lime
in the lap of lush grass
we shal be hugging each other
in the garlands of love, my roses
Make the holy vow of eternal faithfulness
you will remain faithful till the death
a traitor shall be the one who fails
Sadly shall die he who shall part
Blessed is he, who in the sweet arms of love
withers like you do, my beloved


S tým si sa, švárna, pekne sklonila,
ru?e si lonu zverila,
sama si sebe v pamä? vodila,
komus’ tie vence ur?ila:
a ru?u k ru?i svorne si vila,
ku ka?dej slovo s’ prehovorila,
o zväzkoch lásky si snila;
vtom si zrak bystrý nabok hodila,
sebou si trhla — skríkla — sko?ila —
?o si to za div zo?ila? —

Saying so, my beautiful, you bent nicely,
entrusted the roses to the lap
and you remembered yourself
for whom have you made the garlands
wound them, rose by rose, together
you said a word to each one of them
dreaming of the bonds of love
then suddenly, you looked sharply to the side
you twitched
screamed jumped
What kind of wonder have you seen
? —


Oj, ty mátoha! hadisko škúli
v blízkosti šumnej Maríny,
hlavu si k chvostu pokojne túli,
má miesto o?í rubíny;
ko?a sa na ?om jasne ligoce,
na hlave sa mu tuho blyskoce
po?iar diamantov východu:
Kto to u? teraz snadno rozsúdi,
?o ten Indián pod Sitnom blúdi?
?i osoh nosí, ?i škodu? —

Oh, you wraith ! An ugly snake squints
next to the pretty
his head resting calmly upon his tail
rubies instead of eyes
his skin is glittering clearly
on his head, brightly flashing
there’s fire of the diamonds of the East
Who of you can easily say
below Sitno, why has the Indian gone strayed
Does he bring good, or bad
? —

Smelé má srdce moja diev?ina,
ostatne oddaná Bohu,
a dvojjazy?ník krotký za?ína
satanskú svoju úlohu:
„Dcéra krásoty! never tvárnosti,
ktorú na seba anjel milosti
pre š?astie tvoje prijíma;
on ti priate?skú donáša radu,
ke? dušu tvoju spanilú, mladú
neš?astie tvoje objíma.“

Brave heart has my maid ,
completely devoted to God
and a tame split-tongue starts to play
his evil, Satanic role
„Daughter of beauty! Do not trust the face,
that your merciful angel wears
for your own bliss
he brings a friendly advice
when your young, virgin soul
is embraced by your misfortune


Budúcnos? tvoja zrete?ne le?í
pred duchom mojím odstretá,
cez ?adier tvojich pätoro mre?í
zrak môj mohutný prelieta;
na dno sa srdca krásneho dívam,
?úto mi, ?e tá, ktorej cnos? vzývam,
bi? vlastnej biedy bozkáva,
a právo svoje, právo ku blahu,
otroku svojmu a svojmu vrahu
v láske zblúdilej podáva.“

„Your future lies ahead clearly
unveiled in front of my spirit
through the fivefold bars of your breasts
my powerful sight is flying
to the very bottom of the pretty heart I look
sorry am I, for she whose virtues I worship
is kissing the whip of her own misery
and the right of hers, right for happiness
she hands to her slave and her murderer
in twisted affection


Mocnosti divé, katov ?ivota
v?dy nenávidím a haním:
kde duše ?isté napadne psota,
jej jedy mocne odstránim:
Ne?iadam ?iadnu zlatú náhradu,
len po?uj hlas môj a moju radu,
chrá?, chrá? sa slepej ?úbosti! —
Strašné osudu víchrice dujú, —
v besnote svojej sa nezmilujú
nad kvetom útlym mladosti.“

„You, the wild powers, I always hate
hate the murderers of life and scold them
where pure souls are attacked by misery
I powerfully remove her poisons
I don’t ask for any compensation in gold
just listen to my voice and to my advice
beware, beware of love that is blind
! —
Terrible storms of fate are blowing
, —
they have no mercy in their darkness
over the tiny flower that is young


Devu nevinnú jaksi zmútili
slová tajného zlosyna,
?ahy jej tváre tie? zasmútili
nad tým, ?o satan spomína.
Vidiac jej zmätok, zvodca sa teší,
a v srdci jeho rados? peleší,
rados? satanskej zábavy.
„Len si nevernos? pripus? do duši,
oslepí láska ?a aj ohluší!“
a nahlas ?alej zas vraví:

Innocent maid got quite worried
by the words of the secret villain
her face has got also very sad
about what Satan is mentioning
Watching her confusion
, the tempter is happy,
and in his heart, clawed hands are clapping
over the joy from his satanic fun
„Just let unfaithfulness creep into your soul,
it will make you blind, my love, and deaf
and aloud, he goes on again:


„Mraky neš?astia, ?ier?avy bojov
nad milým tvojím vstávajú,
nad budúcnos?ou jeho a tvojou
havrany veštiac kvákajú:
Jestli osud svoj k jeho pripojíš,
tak rany svoje nikdy nezhojíš,
zahynieš v búrkach bo?astí!
?i ten lós tvoje zaslú?ia krásy,
aby si mrela ?ivota ?asy
so synom tisíc neš?astí?“

„Clouds of misfortune, darkness of fights
are rising above your lover ,
over the future, his and yours
the ravens caw their prophecies
Should you bind your fate with his
your wounds shall be never healed
you perish in the storms of pains
Do your beauties deserve such a fate
by which you would be dying all life long
with a son of thousand misfortunes


„Odriekni sa ho! povedz len slovo,
spas ty m?a, spasím ja teba;
zhodím hne? rúcho toto hadovo,
do svojho vstúpime neba:
V slávy úslní budeš tam býva?,
všetky radosti ?itia po?íva?
v rukách pekného milenca:
a ?o bych celé mal schodi? svety,
poznášam všetkých radostí kvety
do tvojho bla?enstva venca!“

Repudiate him! Just say a word,
save me and I shall save you
at once shall I drop down this skin of a snake
and we shall rise to your heaven
You shall be living there, in glorious light
enjoying all the good things of life
in the arms of handsome lover
and even if I had to walk all the worlds
I shall bring the flowers of all joys
for the garlands of your blissful life

A krása tvoja, milá, zastala
jak socha Lady nitrianskej
a dušu svoju ta si poslala
svetom výstrahy satanskej:
Ona sa zasa skoro vrátila,
strach tvoj a smútok mocne sklátila
a slovo viery preriekla;
srdce preniklo ve?ké nadšenie,
hlas jeho statný tak sa roz?enie
k zradnému poslovi pekla:

And your beauty, beloved, just stood
like a statue of Lada of Nitra
and you have sent your soul
way through the world of satanic warning
But the soul returned very soon
your sorrow and fears she has knocked down
saying a word of faith
great enthusiasm flashed through the heart
its mighty voice is being cast
right to the treacherous messenger of hell


Duch dobrý duši mojej sa zjavil,
ty zloboh v hada zakliaty!
Na skale viery tvoj sa zastavil
kúko? do p?s mi rozsiaty. —
?o bys’ pozbieral hrôz všetkých hromy,
?o bys’ vyhrnul ohne Sodomy
na pole mojej ?úbosti:
hlas tvoj len srdce slabé naplaší,
ale, ver, nikdy on neprestraší
nezvratnos? mojej vernosti! —

A good spirit appeared in front my soul ,
you evil god hiding in this snake
The bad seed you sowed into my breasts
has stopped on the rock of faith
. —
Even if you gathered thunders of all terrors
even if you cast the fires of Sodoma
over the fields of my loving
your voice only scares a faint heart
but, trust me, it shall never scare
the firmness of my faithfulness
! —


Zavolaj všetky šelmy satanov
s pokladmi ?i so strelami:
mocnejší vládne svojou obranou
nad panenskými prsami! —
Ja som sa jemu ve?ne oddala,
prísaha srdcia naše zviazala,
zruši? ju nieto mo?nosti;
a nech svet vojská, delá posiela
na lós môj, ja som mocná, veselá
na známku mojej vernosti!

All all the satans‘ beasts
with treasures or with bullets:
someone mightier comes to defend
to protect the virgin breasts! —
I have devoted myself to him forever,
an oath has tied our hearts together,
no way it could be taken back;
and even if the world sent troops or canons
upon my fate, I am powerful and merry

in display of my faithfulness!

Strhnú? ti špatnú larvu obludy
a vráti? ?udskú podobu
chcela bych, ?o by v odmenu ?udi
?iadali moju porobu;
ja bych rabky?ou bola ?loveka,
duch tvoj v temnici diabla narieka,
?o sa otroctvom nadýma;
le? to je právo duší a ?asu:
láska len lásku, krása len krásu
v obetiach ve?ných objíma.

To rip off the ugly larva of the beast,
bring back your human shape
I would like, even if I should
be enslaved in compensation for doing that
I would be the slave of a man
your spirit weeping in the devil’s jail
that is swelling up with slavery
yet that is the right of souls and time
love only embraces love, beauty embraces beauty
in the eternal sacrifice


Aké?e blesky sú tvojho blaha?
Východných perál hromady?
Hrozien Madeiry prevzácna vlaha?
?i peruánske poklady?
Hodvábnych postie? mäkká lahoda?
?i jedál chutných hojná pohoda?
?i hnát sa šarláty kryje? —
Láska spa? na svoj pokoj chodieva,
láska sa v krásy svoje odieva,
láska lásku je aj pije! —

What are the flashes of your bliss?
Heaps of Eastern pearls
Or the precious moist in the grapes of Madeira
Or the treasures of Peru
The soft comfort of silky beds
Of tasty meals an abundance
Or is it the limb covered in scarlet
? —
Love goes to sleep upon her peace
love dresses in her own beauties
love only eats and drinks love
! —


Aké sú hromy zlostných vlád sveta?
?i jesto aké neš?astie?
Asná? jazykov zlostných klebeta?
Asná? kde citrón nerastie?
?e len daktorí berlou vojvodia?
?e me?e v krvi ?ivej sa brodia?
?e kto sa zrodí, umiera?
Hádam temnica, centové putá?
A ?i nevinnos? v ohe? obutá? —
Láske je bieda chiméra! —

What are the thunders of the evil forces of the world ?
Is there any misfortune at all
Is there a gossip of poisonous tongues
Does lemon not grow everywhere
Do only some of them rule with a crosier
Do swords bath in blood of the living
Does he who is born also die
Is there a dark cell, heavy shackles
Or is there innocence, dressed in fire
? —
Misery is nothing but a chimera to love
! —

Trasie sa vina pred prísnym súdom,
?aká sa maznák chudoby,
bojí sa slabos? bori? s osudom,
strach nevie nazrie? za hroby,
báze? pred vlastnou tô?ou sa chveje,
ve?kos? malému strachu naleje,
zúfalec nezná ve?né nádeje,
otrok sa ?aká ru?nej poroby,
telom zimni?né zvládnu choroby:
láska sa strachu vysmeje! —

The guilt is shaking in front of the strict trial,
afraid is the spoiled of the poverty
weakness is afraid to fight the fate
fear is unable to look beyond grave
awe is fearing its own shadow
greatness pours fear into the small
desperate man knows no eternal hope
a slave is scared by work slavery
the body is wrecked by feverish illnesses
love only laughs loud at fear
! —


A ?ím vie peklo zdarnejšie hrozi?,
ako ke? hroby spomína?
Mô?e sa satan na smrtiach vozi?,
mne je nesmrtnos? rodina:
a moja vernos? a ?úbos? moja
?iada si chvíle, ?o duše spoja,
ke? lásku ve?nos? zavije. —
?o je nesmrtnos?? Hrob všetkých hrobov,
osoby milé jednou osobou:
láska smr? ?itím zabije! —

How better the hell can pose a threat,
than with mentioning the graves
Satan may be riding on the deaths
immortality is my family
and my faithfulness and my love
asks for the moments that tie souls together
when love is wrapped in eternity
. —
What is immortality
? Grave of all grave,
all persons loved by one person
love shall defeat death by living! —


Milý môj! s tebou ?ije, umiera
v?dy verná tvoja Marína,
nech ju v objatí tvojom udiera
jak chce bolesti hodina! —
Ty ale, peklom vyslaná špata,
vi? prste? tento — ?i je zo zlata,
?i z dreva, mne všetko jedno:
Nezábudka tá, ?o na ?om svieti,
so mnou ?asnosti brány preletí —
uzri sa, aké si biedno!

My beloved, with you, your Marína
always faithful, lives and dies
She cannot be hit in your arms
by the hour of pain
! —
but you, ugly beast sent by hell
look at this ring
— be it made of gold,
or of wood, I do not care
Forget-me-not that is shining next to it
shall fly with me through the gates of mortality

look at yourself – how miserable you are

A to prste? môj, môj prste?, milá,
spod ru?e bielej s’ odkryla,
vernosti vraha ním s’ oslepila,
zrada sa lásky zdesila! —
O?i sa šelme besno ziskrili,
pysky sa jedom divým spenili,
ale sila v ?om vymrela;
ešte sa zvíja, ešte sa krúti —
dobrota tvoja nad ním zasmúti —
a noc ho ve?ná po?rela. —

And it is my, ring, my ring, my beloved,
that you have uncovered from underneath the white rose
you blinded the murderer of faithfulness with it
treachery was scared with love
! —
The eyes of the beast have sparkled wildly
the mouth got full of poisonous foam
but its power has gone
he is  still swirling, still turning
your goodness will mourn him

and the eternal night has swallowed him
. —


Vy, géniovia jasných ?úbostí,
zrušte ?as, zrušte priestory,
hodiny zmorte v mori ve?nosti,
zvá?ajte protivné hory!
Alebo hláste, bite na zvony,
?e láska nové dáva zákony,
oby?aj m?tva ?e padá:
Nech chýr ten š?astný svetom zazneje,
?e u? š?achetných duší nádeje
nemorí osudov zrada!

You, genii of clear loves,
cancel the time, cancel the space
kill the hours in the sea of eternity
tear down the nasty mountain
Or call out loud, toll the bells
that love gives new laws
that the dead habit is falling apart
May the happy message sound in the world
that the hopes of noble souls
shall no more be tortured by betrayal


Hron môj, Hron silný! rozká? tým vodám
koryto rúba? cez hory,
ku tým kvetnatým, zlatým dolinám,
ktoré raj vysoký tvorí!
Potom ja sadnem v ?lnka kolísku,
vozi? ma budeš na lúku blízku,
kde ona blúdi? chodieva;
ona ti ka?dú vlnku pozdraví,
spýta sa ka?dej: ?i je ten zdravý,
?o na tvojich brehoch spieva.

My Hron, My mighty Hron! Tell those waters
to make their way through the mountains
down to the flowering, golden valleys
created by highest paradise
Then I shall sit down in the cradle of a boat
and you will row me to the close meadow
where she always comes to stray
she will greet every single wave
asking every wave if the one is safe
who comes singing upon your banks

A vy, sitnianskych skalín ozveny!
krídla si bleskov pripnite
a ka?dý jej vzdych mne zasvätený
ku sestrám Holiam pošlite:
Ona vás za to, ke? snehy zašli,
vencami z kvetín vašich okrášli
a s ka?dou zorou pozdraví:
a ja s rados?ou k vám chcem chodieva?
a v chválospevoch hlasných slávieva?
vrch slávny rodinám Slávy!

And you, echoes of the rocks of Sitno!
Put on the wings of lightnings
and every sigh she utters for me
bring to the sisters mountains:
when the snow is gone, she will
decorate you with garlands of your flowers
and greets you with every single dawn:
and I want to be coming with joy to you

and sing and celebrate in loud hymns

the famous peak in the family of the Slavs


Ha! ?o to chy?ou mojou letelo? —
Lampa sa dvojmo zjasnila,
ako holúbka let zašumelo,
krv sa mi k srdcu stesnila,
kýsi cit blahý v srdci mi skvitol:
?o to? ?i nocou blesk slnca svitol?
?i je to pohronská Víla? —
Nie je to ligot Fébovho syna,
nie to šum devy od Lu?atína: —
spomnela na m?a si milá.

Hey ! What did just fly through my room? —
the lamp shone twice as brightly
the sound resembled the flight of wings of a  dove
my blood rushed to the heart
such a pleasant emotion started blooming in my heart
What’s that?
Did a flash of sunlight come in through the night?
Is it the fairy living near Hron
? —
No, it’s not the glitter of the son of Phoebus
and it’s not the sound of the fairy
: —
my beloved has just remembered me


Spomnela? Ha, ty zrada vernosti,
nepriate? s tvárou anjela!
?i láska láske kvety ?úbosti
len na okamih posiela? —
Je to tá vernos?? Je to prísaha?
Vzbúri ?a, zmámi a tu ?a nahá,
nedbajúc tvoje náreky! —
?úbos? chce ve?nos?, spomienkam k?aje! —
Ale ?o blud môj jej cnostiam laje?
Ve? ja som pri nej naveky! —

Remembered ? Oh, you betrayer of faithfulness,
enemy with the face of an angel
Does love send love the flowers of love
only for a moment
? —
Is that the faithfulness
? Is it an oath?
It lifts you up, makes you blind  and leaves you here
not caring about your laments
! —
Love wants eternity, it curses the memories
! —
But why is my delusion scolding her virtues
For I am with her eternally
! —


Na? bys’ ty, drahá, za hory tieto
v spomienkach verných chodila?
Ve? tu milého tvojho ti nieto,
tým by si vernos? zhubila. —
Nad Hronom jeden mládenec býva,
kto zná, ?i ?ije, ?i sa len kýva,
s de?mi sa hráva a sníva:
Tam necho?, lebo to vás rozdvojí,
ke? sa spomienka k nemu vystrojí,
milý tvoj pri tebe stojí.

Why would you, my dear, go past those mountains
in your faithful memories
Your lover is not here
with that, you would kill the faithfulnes
. —
There is one young man, living above Hron
who knows if he’s alive or if he’s just swaying
with children playing and dreaming
Do not go there, as this will make you part
when a memory reaches him,
your beloved is standing right next to you


Jednota duší, tá ?istá, vrelá,
ona je, ?o v nás sa ?úbi,
ke? zákon ?itia rozplaší telá,
tým zväzok verný nezhubí:
ale neš?astné vy, o?i moje!
a úst vysmädlých tú?iace dvoje,
vás rozlú?enie znivo?í!
Srdce spanilé rado sa delí;
š?astný, kto s pekným srdcom spriatelí
aj med úst a slávu o?í! —

Unity of souls , so pure, so warm,
that is what is loved inside us
when the law of life turns bodies to dust
it does not kill a faithful bond
unhappy are you, my poor eyes
And you, two pairs of thirsty, longing  lips,
for separation will destroy you
A graceful heart likes to share
happy is he who makes a graceful heart friends
with the honey of mouth and glory of eyes
! —


Milo je ve?nom o jare sníva?,
v myšlienkach svetmi sa nosi?,
blaho od zeme k nebu sa dvíha?,
slobodným re?aze nosi?,
sladko je tú?i?, sladko spomína?,
sladko je v nádejach sa pohýna?
k skuto?nej bla?enstva zemi;
slávno je, ke? zem s nebom sa spojí,
kde si duch s telom krásne pristrojí
nebesko-zemské objemy! —

It is nice, dreaming about eternal spring ,
walking among flowers in thoughts
it is blissful, rising to the heavens from earth
it is easy for the free to be wearing chains
it’s sweet to desire, sweet to remember
it’s sweet to move forward with hope
towards the true glorious land
it’s a celebration when heavens meet the earth
when the spirit and the body both merge
in a heavenly-earthly embrace
! —

Neznáte doby, v ktorých slabosti
sa v mohutnosti prerodia?
Neznáte doby, v ktorých trpkosti
cit sladký s sebou privodia?
Neznáte rany, ?o uzdravujú?
Neznáte š?astných, ktorí bedujú?
Sebca, ?o sa obetuje? —
Na moc ?úbosti tak si spomnite,
a divnú dvojjednotu vidíte,
kde sa duša dušu miluje.

Don‘t you know the times in which

weakneses turn into great virtues?
Don‘t you know the times in which

bitterness brings a sweet emotion with it?
Don‘t you know wounds that heal?
Don‘t you know happy ones who lament?
A selfish man who sacrifices himself? —
So remember the power of love,
and you see a strange duality,
where a soul loves another soul .


Ale všetkému hodiny bijú,
?itie za ?itím umiera,
krásy sa v bezdnú minulos? kryjú,
?as, ten Skýt, svety zo?iera;
?as, nenápelník, pomníky zvá?a,
?as prachu poddá paláce krá?a,
?as kvety milé otrávi,
?as hviezdy zrá?a, more vysuší,
?as city stiera z bla?ených duší,
?as všetko zhubí aj spraví. —

But the clock is ticking for everything,
living after living passes away
beauties hide in a bottomless past
Time, that Scythian
, is swallowing worlds;
,  so reckless, pulls monuments down,
time will yield the royal palaces to dust
time poisons lovely flowers
time shoots down the stars, dries the sea
time wipes away emotions from blissful souls
time kills and heals everything
. —


Ty pla?eš, krásna? — ?o bys’ smútila?
Barbarstva ?asov sa neboj!
Tvoja sa krása v duši mi skryla,
ví?azstvo tebe a mne boj!
?ím duša moja ?ije a cíti,
poklad krás tvojich mi neuchytí
D?engis hodín, vekov Batu!
A ke? raz dychom ostatným zdýmam,
skelet tvoj ešte raz poobjímam
a zlo?ím kos? suchú blatu. —

Are you crying, beautiful? — Why would you be sad?
Do not be afraid of the times of barbarism
Your beauty has hidden inside my soul
victory to you , and fight to me
What makes my soul live and feel
the treasure of your beauties shall not be stolen
by Genghis of hours, ages of Batu

And once I breath out my very last breath,
I shall embrace your skeleton once again
and then I lay my dry bone down in the mud
. —

Svet vraví, ?e mám diamanty v o?iach,
anjelské farby na lícach,
ka?dý vlas v mojich vraných vrko?iach
?e má krás vo stách, v tisícach,
?e v spevoch mojich nebo sa javí,
?e vládnem krásou ?arnou, svet vraví:
Bárs je komusi to sláva,
bárs posmech z chvál sa týchto ozýva,
?adrá diev?enské úzkos? prerýva,
duša moja v ?ia?och pláva. —

The world says  I have diamonds in my eyes ,
angelic colours on my cheeks
and every single hair in on my raven-black head
they say it has beauties of hundreds, thousands
that in my hymns, heaven appears
that I have magical beauty, they say
May anyone find that glorious
may those praises  just laugh at me
the girl’s breasts are tortured with anxiety
my soul is swimming in sorrow
. —


V ?ia?och ?e krása krásy devinej
slávy má len okam?enie,
?e ?as, ten divoch, slasti nevinnej
raj z duše mladej vy?enie:
?e ako hlasy ve?erné zvona,
ako šum tajný šumného Hrona,
spev môj v prsia hluché bije,
alebo ke? aj do ?ujných padá,
i tam len svoje ?iale rozkladá
a ich pokoj len rozryje. —

In sorrows, the bauty of the pretty maid
has only a moment of glory
time, the savage, will cast the paradise

out of the young soul:
Like the voices of the evening bell
like the mysterious song of the waters of Hron
my singing beats upon deaf chests
or even if it hits a hearing chest
it only spreads its sorrows there
disrupting their peace
. —


V ?ia?och sa topí srdce diev?iny
a bledý tie? zalieva tvár,
?e partu mladú strhnú hodiny
a svadba je slobody kar;
lebo mládenských krás vo?né krá?e
svätá jej vernos? ?úbi? zaká?e;
a starostí hrudnatý svet
zahace peknú prázdnotu duší
a búra hrubých robôt ohluší
citov diev?ích pekný predmet!

In sorrows drowns the heart of the maid
and a white shade covers her face,
that the young pack shall be torn down by hours
and wedding is freedom’s burial-feast
because the jolly times of youthful freedom
will be forbidden by the holy faithfulness
and that the world full of concerns
will end the beautiful emptiness of souls
and a storm of rough labour
impair the  object of those high emotions

Duch devy pla?e, horko narieka
nad ?úbosti svätej skazou,
?e kvet jej s po?ným kvietím uteká,
krahne ostrím divých mrazov;
?úbos? devina je cit bez hlasu,
vyšvihnú? nesmie sa nad zvyk ?asu,
vyzna? musí, ?o neverí;
poslušnú dušu úbohej dcéry
s chlapom cudzím, ba odporným zverí
studený prste? materi. —

The spirit of the maid is crying, weeping sadly
over  the doom of the holy love
that its flower vanishes with the field flowers
and faints upon the edge of wild frosts
the maid’s love is an emotion without a voice
it must not get above the habit of time
it must declare what it does not believe
obedient soul of a poor daughter
with a strange, even repulsive man

gives a cold ring to the mother. —


Bôle zaplavili ?adrá devy
a krásy jej smútok stiera,
?e duše peknej sväté výlevy
v medze úzke svet zaviera:
?o mô?e deva v sebe zalo?i??
Ke? druh jej umrie, ako mô?’ o?i??
Ach, pre devy cnos? po?a niet!
Slu?ba jej panstvo, pokora hrozba,
zbra? jej sú slzy, právo jej prosba,
a ví?azstvo devy? — Obe?! —

Pains have flooded maid’s breasts
and her beauties are wiped off by sorrow
that the holy emotions of a beautiful soul
are tightly restricted by the world
What can a maid do for herself
When her lover dies, how can he revive
Oh, there is no virtue of dying in the field for maids
Her kingdom is service, humility her menace
her weapon are her tears
, her right is her plea,
and the maid’s victory
? — Sacrifice! —


Oj, drahá moja, sestra spanilá,
zotri slzy z hviezdnych o?í!
Ver, ruka, ktorá krásu ranila,
ranou vlastnou sa znivo?í:
Obetuj sa len! — Ve? v tom sa snuje
všetko, ?o ?lovek ?itím menuje:
?e moc ?udská, nástroj duší,
skrze bezprávie právo dostáva,
ke? padá svetu, Bohu povstáva,
nebo stavia, ke? zem ruší! —

Oh, my dear, my graceful sister,
wipe the tears off your starry eyes
, the hand that harmed the beauty,
shall perish by its own power
Just sacrifice thyself
! — for it comprises
everything the man calls living
that human power, the tool of souls
gets its right through injustice
what falls in the world rises to God
heaven builds when the earth terminates
! —


Peknoty tvoje vzlietnu do svetov,
kde ?riedla sú bla?enstva krás,
tam oven?í ?a z nezvädlých kvetov
rukou svätou pletený pás:
Tam tvoja krása v slávu sa zmení,
pekný duch hrudou tu ob?a?ený
v priezra?ný tie? sa zahalí;
jasný šat duše zore obstanú
a duše slncia, o?i, dostanú
vzývania miesto pochvaly. —

Your beauties shall ascend into worlds ,
where the gracefulness of beauty springs
there it will wreath you with non-withered flowers
a wreath made by a holy hand
There, your beauty shall turn into glory,
beautiful spirit, burdened with soil here
shall veil into translucent shadow
glorious dawn shall surround the bright dress of the soul

and the suns of the soul, the eyes, will get
adorations instead of praise
. —


Ale na? spievam tomuto svetu
krás jej nebeské zjavenie?
Ve? on za pravdu dr?í klebetu,
skuto?nos? mu je mámenie. —
U? kri?í: „?udia! tento je v blude,
takých krás nenie, ani nebude!“
A listy tieto rozdrapí: —
Dobre máš! ve? tie moje piesenky
sú proti krásam mojej milenky
vskutku len tône a strapy!

But why am I singing to this world
about the heavenly appearance of her beauties
This world takes a mere gossip for truth
delusion is reality in it
. —
It’s shouting
: „People! This man is in delusion,
there are no such beauties, and will never be
And it tears into pieces these pages: —
Well done! For these songs of mine are,
compared to the real beauties of my love,
nothing but shadows and fragments


Bratko! krkavec diamant ukradne,
do smetí hniezda ho skrýva:
?i on, ?e poklad je to, uhádne,
ke? na? sa, mrcho?rá?, díva? —
Prázdny bo?skosti Boha neslávi,
a o ideách medve? mumlavý
v zápaloch svätých nevraví;
krása krásy sa len krásnym zjaví,
len láska chápe lásky výšavy,
sláva len slávnych oslávi.

Brother ! A raven steals the diamond,
hides in in the trash of his nest
does it reckon that it is a treasure
scavenger, while it’s observing it
? —
Empty one does not celebrate the greatness of God
and a murmuring bear does not talk about ideas
in frenetic speeches
the beauty of beauty only appears to the beautiful
only love can understand the heights of love
and only glory celebrates the glorious ones

To some of them, love has appeared
as a pair of pigeons or doves
to others it was a flaming emotional fire
burning from heart to mouth
to some, it appeared as a divine shot
to some, it became a golden bond
to others, it hides in flowers
And to me, love comes in terrible signs
in thunder-stormy glorious pictures
echoing with glory and grace
! —

Jedným sa ?úbos? v holúbkov páre

lebo v hrdli?kách zjavila;

druhým v plamennom citov po?iare

od srdca k ústam pálila;

tým striel podobu na seba vzala,

týmto sa putom zlatým zazdala,

inším sa v kvietky ukrýva:

A mne sa ?úbos? v strašných úkazoch,

v hromo-bleskových ve?kých obrazoch

ú?asno-slávne ozýva! —


Osudy moje kryjú ?ier?avy,
svet je studený, my vrelí;
v bití jej srdca hrom sa mi javí,
v blesku jej o?í blesk strely.
Vernos? jej prsiam mojim podala
magnet Franklinov, aby blýskala
len mne v srdce ohne lásky. —
Porekadlo, ?e dia? je od hroma,
kto ?alej býva vraj od Paroma:
mne je tá pravda v otázky.

My fates are covered by dark clouds,
the world is cold, we are hot
I hear thunders in her heartbeat
I see a flash of a shot in the flash of her eyes
To my chest, her faithfulness has given
Franklin’s magnet, so that she could flash
the fires of love only into my heart
. —
The saying goes, that the further from thunder

is he who lives further from Parom:
I happen to question this truth


?ím dia? ma nesie moje ur?enie,
tým vä?šmi blesk jej ma páli,
tým mohutnejšie tú?by búrenie
do ?adier mojich sa valí:
Ale ke? pri nej — ke? pri nej stojím,
?e uho? spravia zo m?a, sa bojím,
jej krásot blýskavé prasky;
a ke? ju ruka moja objíma,
všetky mi údy lomiac prejíma
moc elektri?ná jej lásky.

The further my destiny is taking me ,
the more I am burnt with her flash
the more desire for her I get
into my very chests
But when I’m standing
— standing next to her,
I am afraid that I will be burnt to ashes
by the crackling flashes of her beauties
and when my hand wraps around her,
through my whole body, I can feel
the electrifying power of her love

Ku jej vernosti moja primrela
v nekone?ný jednoty ráz,
môj ?ivot ona v svojom zavrela,
ona, vidím mojich obraz!
A nech dnes padne sveta opona,
bárs bych ja mohol, bárs chcela ona,
ni?, ni? zväzok náš nezruší!
A ke? zhu?í hlas smrtného zvona,
v krajoch zazvoní Orióna
harmónia našich duší.

With her faithfulness, mine has merged,
in the infinite unity
she has enclosed my life within hers
in her, I can see my own picture
And even if today the world‘s curtain fell,
even if I could and and even if she wanted to
nothing, nothing can break our bond
And when the voice of the death bell screams,
within the realms of the Orion
the harmony of our souls shall sound


?i vidíš, drahá, tie vodné hory?
?i vidíš ?ivlov divý boj?
Vlna sa s vlnou zúfale borí:
kde tu tichos?, kde tu pokoj?! —
Ty zosta?, moja, na brehoch milých,
v kvetinách teš sa hájov spanilých
a snívaj tiché sny ?itia:
U? veslom klope ?ln nedo?kavý,
m?a nech ?i k hrobu, ?i k brehom slávy
búrne moci tieto schytia!

Can you see, my dear, those mountains of water ?
Can you see the fierce fight of the elements
A wave is desperately fighting other waves
where is silence here? Where is peace?
! —
You stay, beloved, upon the lovely bank
enjoy the flowers in the blossoming groves
and dream the silent dreams of living
Impatient boat knocks with the paddle
Either to grave or towards glory
those stormy powers shall bring me


?i vidíš, moja, tie divé vody?
?i vidíš ten príchodzí ?ln? —
Hoj, more, pekný obraz slobody,
navrch vezmi ma svojich v?n! —
A strašný ohlas oceán hu?í:
Mládenec devu v svojom náru?í
túli ku srdcu vernému:
a ona rukou hrdlo objíma
a ústa k vrelým ústam prijíma
a vrúcne vinie sa k nemu.

Can you see, beloved, those raging waters?
Say, can you see the incoming boat
? —
Hey, sea, a beautiful image of freedom ,
take me on the back of your waves
! —
And the ocean casts a terrible echo
The young man holds the maid in his arms
cuddles her to his faithful heart
and she puts her hand around his neck,
her mouth kisses his passionate lips, 
and she firmly cuddles to him.

Jak ke? po?ovník srnku by zduril
spod kvetného kruhu chladu,
tak rozlú?enia ohlas pobúril
myse? hrdú, dušu mladú:
Odvia? ten ?lnok! spolu sadnime,
padajme spolu, aj spolu ?ime,
jedno to, ?i boj, ?i pokoj!
?o je ru?iacich v?n týchto sila?
Vyššia moc s tebou m?a zjednotila,
s tebou, milý mládenec môj!

As if the hunter scared a deer
out of the cold circle of flowers
so the voice of parting has inflamed
the proud mind and the young soul
untie that boat
! Let us row together,
let us fall together, and live together
it doesn’t matter if there’s fight or peace
What is the power of the roaring waves
Much higher power has united me with you
with you, my beloved lover!


Mohutný je hlas tvojej ?úbosti,
drahá duša mojej duši!
Ale ?i hlasy diev?ej útlosti
osudov hrom neohluší?
Tys’ lásky slasti u? okúsila,
ale nenávis? si neskúsila,
ktorá v divých svetoch brojí.
Tak osta?, milá, v tichom pokoji,
na ?as nás osud porozdvojí,
na ve?nos? nás potom spojí. —

Mighty is the voice of your love ,
you, the soul dearest to my soul
But won’t the tiny maiden’s voice
be interrupted by the thunders of fates
You have experienced the pleasures of love
but you have not met hatred yet
which grudges in wild worlds
So stay, my dear, in a silent peace
for a time, the fate will make us part
and then it binds us for eternity
. —


O?i švárnej sa hnevom ziskrili,
ruku strhla z mu?ských väzov:
?i máš ty milú, zradca môj milý,
z pokolenia zemeplazov? —
Nehodná som ja za veci slávy
aj ?i?, aj umiera?? — Chlap ostýchavý,
v ?lne ty cho?, ja viem pláva?! —
Azda tie ruky, ?o vzia? ma nechcú,
ke? nad mrúcou sa vody zarehcú —
pozde — budeš mi podáva?! —

Her graceful eyes have sparkled with ange ,
she ripped her hand off the manly neck
Do you gave a lover, you ugly traitor

of the family of earth crawlers? —
I am not worth living and dying
for the sake of the glory
? — You bashful man,
you take the boat, I can swim
! —
Perhaps those hands, unwilling to take me
when the waters will laugh over my dying

it will be too late to stretch them to me
! —

Podaj mi ruku, ve?kocitá,
k vysokým tým duší horám,
kde sláva v zlatých bleskoch svitá
slobodných srdcí priestorám!
Z výšin tých h?a?me v zmätok nízky,
?o ?itím k hrobu od kolísky,
?itím slabých duší vládne:
Kde srdce za krásu horí,
?úbos? svet vlastný si stvorí,
nech potom prach v prachu schladne.

Give me your hand, you of immense emotion ,
stretch it to the mountains of the souls
where the glory dawns in golden lightnings
in the spaces of free hearts
From that height, let’s look down to the turmoil
that reigns with living from the cradle to the grave
reigns with the living of weak souls
Where the heart flames for beauty
love creates its own world
so that then the dust shall get cold in the dust


Vsta?, ?itia môjho pekná dru?ica,
polm?tvych snov sa sprostime!
U? ru?oprstá kýva zornica,
šírym svetom sa pustime!
Vsta?, moja! vi?me tvár zeme, neba;
pod seba, kolo seba, nad seba
zrakmi ?úbosti pozrime!
Vsta? drahá! smelo nad ?udské biedy,
nad zemských bô?ov odporné jedy
na krídlach lásky vzlietnime!

Get up, you pretty companion of my living,
let us get rid of those half-dead dreams
The morning star is twinkling already
let us go in the wide, wide world
Get up
, my dear! let‘s see the face of earth and skies;
let us look around us, below us above us
through the eyes of love
Get up, my precious
! Let us boldly fly above human miseries,
above disgusting poisons of earthly sorrows -
let’s fly on the wings of love


Kde ma to vedieš, kde, druh môj milý?
Ve? nám zem z o?í zmizela!
Tam, ke? cit pekné hviezdy vábili,
nad hlavu v?dy som pozrela:
Teraz sa všade vôkol nás trasú,
jak sa pod Sitnom jahnence pasú
vôkol bystrého pastiera. —
Vidíš tých svetov nebeských zväzky?
Ako milostne tie zlaté vlásky
jedna na druhú prestiera!

Where are you leading me, my beloved man?
The land has vanished from our sights
When the nice stars evoked my emotion
I have always looked above my head
Now, they are shivering all around us
resembling the lambs grassing under Sitno
around a clever shepherd
. —
Can you see the bonds of the heavenly worlds
One star spreads her golden hair
upon another, filled with love

Zdá sa, ?e jestli jedna z nich padne,
celý ich k?de? zahynie,
zato z nich ?iadna nezblúdi zradne

a jedna k druhej sa vinie:
Práve tak naše srdcia tie? ?ijú,
vjedno sa vinú a vjedno bijú.
Kto  zráta tie milióny? —
?o planét nový, to nová sláva! —
Tu ?udským dušiam bo?stvo podáva
?ivota sväté zákony!

It seems that when one of them falls ,
the whole flock of them will die
but none of them can go astray
and one cuddles to another:
This is how our hearts do live as well
they merge in one, beat in unison
Who can count those millions
? —
Every new planet means new glory
! —
here, the divine being is handing to humans
the sacred laws of life !


To bo?ie slnce vprostriedku stojí,
cár ve?ký v svojich rodinách,
okolo neho všetko sa rojí,
krúti vo ve?ných krajinách:
Tak v ?itia nášho spolku premilá
rozmanitos? sa tie? rozlo?ila
v obec zázra?nej šírosti;
svätá cnos? v centre srdca horuje,
vôkol nej viera, láska koluje,
jak hviezdy prvej ve?kosti.

This divine sun is standing in the middle,
a great Czar within his big families

Everything is swarming around him ,
turning in the eternal land
So the unity of our living, my beloved,
has become manifold
and magically wide
the holy virtue in the centre of the heart
love and faith are orbiting around it
like the stars of the greatest magnitude


?o majú tieto svetov lampady
s mokrou Adrie hladinou?
?i v zrkadle tom vidia sa rady?
?i blankyt mora rodinou? —
Pozri, tam hviezdy si posadali,
akoby nebom dia? nevládali
a novú by pili vládu:
Pozri tam, drahá, spus?me sa zhora,
tam moci neba a moci mora
v jednom vidíme poh?adu.

What do these worlds have in common
with the wet level of Adria
Do they like their reflections in that mirror
Or is the azure of the sea their family
? —
Look, the stars are seated there
as if they couldn’t go any further in the sky
and they drank a new power:
Look there, my dear, let’s descend from above
there, we can see the powers of heaven and of the sea
through one sight


Vodný ty obor! aby ?a z Ríma
bohy?a lásky strestala!
Z jednej ?a strany Turcia objíma,
z druhej ohnivá Itala!
Vi?, moja! Sultán tento neverný
milenec dvoch je krások mizerný,
obidvom poklady nosí:
Vernejšie Atlant Angliu ?úbi,
on ju, vidiac ju v dlabe záhuby,
slzou ?útosti porosí.

You water giant, may the Roman
goddess of love punish you
From one side, Turcia (Turkey) is hugging you
from other side, the fiery Italia (Ttaly)
See, my dear
! This unfaithful sultan
is a miserable lover of two beauties,
bringing the  treasures to both
The Atlantic loves Anglia (England) much more faithfully
seeing her in the paw of doom
he sprinkles her with a pitiful tear


Tie pekné brehy jaro bozkáva,
jaro, útlosti zrkadlo,
tisíc ?ivotov z m?tvych povstáva,
tisíc ich od zimy padlo.
Môj, ?i po?uješ? Hrdli?ka v háji
hrkúta, h?adá v zelenom kraji
tú?obne svojho milého. —
Marína tvoja teba h?adala,
ke? ?a jej dia?ka ukrutná vzala
z rukú do sveta šíreho.

Those pretty banks are kissed by spring,
spring, the mirror of subtleness
thousands of lives arise from the dead,
thousands have fallen from cold.
My dear
, can you hear? A dove in the grove
cooing, looking in the green land
longing for her lover
. —
Your Marína was seeking you
when the merciless distance took you
from her hands into the wide world

Na?o ty, drahá, chváliš tie doby
detinstva mdlého obrazy?
Na ne ja vediem smutné ?aloby,
oplakal by ich sto razy.
?o som znal v jarnom ?ivota ?ase
o láske tvojej, o tvojej kráse? —
V jari sa krása len rodí:
Ten leta ohe?, tá vrelos? mladá,
tá mladých duší nadšená vláda
ovocie z kvetu vyvodí. —

Why are you, dear, praising the times
images of the faint childhood
I am sadly complaining about them
I would cry for them hundred times
What did I know in the springtime of life
about your love, about your beauty
? —
in the spring, the beauty is only born
That fire of summer, the young flame
the enthused reign of young souls
shall bring the fruits out of flowers
. —

Ke? sme pod lipou našou sedeli
v ten ve?er, pamätáš, moja?
O?ltlé lístky šumno leteli
na hodváb tvojho závoja;
?ia? sa rozlo?il po tvojej tvári,
?e jese? chladná kvetiny marí,
stromy z ich rúcha zodiera;
a lipa vtedy moc lístkov spustí
a v páde lístkov divo zašustí:
š?astný, kto v obe? umiera! —

When we were sitting under our lime
that evening, remember, my dear
The yellow leaves were flying
down on the silk of your veil
sorrow has spilled over your face
that the cold autumn was killing the flowers
ripping trees off their own clothes
and the lime lets down a bunch of leaves
and the sound of the falling leaves goes wildly
blessed is he who dies in sacrifice
! —


Ka?dý de? nové slnce vychodí
a z m?tvych vstáva príroda;
bolestí duch, ke? ve?kos? sa rodí;
z otroctva kvitne sloboda:
Zúfal by ?ivot v ve?nej jednote,
premeny plodia sladkos? v ?ivote,
umrie? chce, ?o zostará,
sladký zisk nosí aj horká strata:
tak smr? ?ivotom len slávne vráta
do nesmrtnosti otvára.

A new sun rises every day
and nature rises from the dead;
the spirit aches when greatness is born
freedom flowers from slavery
Desperate would be the life in eternal unity
the changes bring sweetness to life
what grows old , it wants to die
even a bitter loss brings a sweet gain
so the death only opens
the glorious gates to  immortality


Vy, naše Hole, na vašich horách

jak slávne sneh ten sa belie!

S ?úbos?ou h?adia v ra?ajších zorách

na vás doliny veselé:

Kvetom vy bielym v zime kvitnete,

a hory menšie ven?ia sa v lete:

ve?kos? má zvláštne koleje. —

Na sne?né jedle obzri sa, milá!

Pod bielos? tam sa zelenos? skryla:

pod svätos? naše nádeje.

You, our hills , how graceful is the white
snow on the mountains tall
In the morning glow, they look with love
upon the merry valleys of yours
In winter you bloom with white flower
and smaller mountains get garlands in summer
greatness has truly strange ways
. —
Look back at the snowy firs, my beloved
The green has hid under the white
underneath holiness have hid our hopes

Jak sa de? zimný v tom svojom jasne
s ob?ubou tajnou uzerá: —
tak ?ahko dýcha, tak le?í š?astne
svetov zmrznutých medzera! —
Drobné kvap?i?ky sa objímajú,
sne?né iskri?ky bleskmi f?kajú:
?úbos? ohe? je, a nie mráz? —
Kollár ju „oh?om chladným“ menuje.
Aj v ?adoch ešte sa mi zjavuje,
krásna, tvojho srdca obraz! —

Like the winter day in its brightness
secretly admiring itself: —
So easily breathing, so happily lying
is the gap between the frozen worlds
! —
Tiny droplets are hugging each other
sparkling snowy sparks, flashing
love shall be fire
, not frost? —
Kollár has called her „a cold fire“.
Even in ice, it still appears
my beautiful, the image of your heart
! —


Ach, zlomky drahé krásnej postavy!
Kde vrah ten, ?o vás rozmetal?
Len skamenelé ?asti jej hlavy! —
Kto takú vra?du pamätal? —
Tu diamant o?í — tu úst rubíny,
tu opál z ?ela mojej Maríny,
tu zo šiat smaragdov kusy! —
Jej srdce, jej cit nebo si vzalo,
mne strašné tieto zvleky nechalo!
?i tu si, anjel môj? — Tu si!

Ah, precious fragments of pretty body !
Where is the murderer who cast you all around
Only some petrified parts of her head
! —
Who has ever seen such a murder
? —
Here diamonds of eyes
— there the ruby lips,
here’s the opal from my Mar
ína‘s forehead,
here are some bits of emeralds from her dress
! —
Her heart, her emotion was taken by heaven
leaving only those terrible remnants for me
Are you here, my angel?
— Here you are!


Ty sa usmievaš, moja? — Pokojne
na zmätok druha sa dívaš?
po?kaj, odplatím ja ti to dvojne,
ke? sa do hrôzy zasnívaš.
A v tom úsmešku tvojom zdá sa mi
zúbok satiry hýba? ústami,
myslíš si: Tento je sprostý! —
Svet celý zvolaj! Ak je nie slepý,
nu? s podivením o?i vylepí
na tieto o vlas rovnosti. —

You’re smiling, dear ? — Peacefully

observing the confusion of your partner?
Just wait, I pay you back double
when you will be dreaming of terrors
And in your scoff, I can see
a thorn of satire moving its lips
you may think
: This man is stupid! —
Call all the world
! If it isn‘t blind,
it will be gazing in wonder
upon these close matches
. —

Na Sitne vlajú krásy Maríny. —
Pozri v tie kraje, môj milý,
ku Ke?kemétu, kde pustatiny
divé si stany rozbili:
Kedy tie našej vlasti Sahary
ohreje láska, krása o?iari? —
Oj, má tu láska tie? hody!
Tichos? pokoja sa tuto skryla
pred svetom a v nej bozkáva milá
rtom vrelým syna prírody.

The beauties of  Marína are flying over Sitno. —
Look at those lands, my dear
down to Kecskemet
, where the wastelands
have opened their wild camps
When will the Saharas of our homeland
be warmed by love, lit by beauty
? —
Oh, here, love is also feasting
Silence of peace has hidden here
from the whole world and my beloved
kisses here with warm lips the son of nature


V húš?ach bakonských temnoty smútia,
?e v nich je m?tvo, bez citu
a ?e nerosí slza pohnutia
zem v tô?ach vekov ukrytú.
?i vetrík s lístím tam nezahráva?
Na svoju pekný vták nevoláva?
Blesk ?i tam k tôni netú?i?
Aj tam sa trávka jaru usmieva,
aj tam sa východ v zlato odieva,
ku kvietku zora pridru?í.

In the dense bushes, the darkness and sorrow,
lamenting that they’re dead, emotionless
and that the tear of emotion
won’t water the soil hidden in the shades of times
Doesn’t the wind play with the leaves there
Doesn’t a nice bird there sing for his mate
Doesn’t a lightning desire for water
The grass has a green smile in the spring
also there, the East dresses in gold
and the sun shines upon flowers


Syn Anadira na hlas ?úbosti
hory snehové prebrodí
a na ?adové brehov výsosti
silou sa orla vyhodí:
Z Ázie brehov na milú volá
na kraj druhého sveta polkola,
ohlas sa vráti láskavý;
a jakby Romeo vernú Júliu
u? na rozlu?né ku prsiam túlil,
tak divoch devu pozdraví.

The son of Anadir wades snowy mountains
upon the calling of love
and he flies with eagle’s  strengt
up to their icy heights
Calling his beloved from the shores of Asia
to the other part of the world half around the globe
a loving echo comes back to him
And like Romeo would greet his faithful Juliet
cuddling her before leaving her goodbye
so does the savage greet the maid

No, ?o mám h?ada? na Himaláji,
na Kordillerách svet lásky!
Po peknom našom tatranskom kraji
nájdem ho vcelku i s?iastky:
A na? bych k Havranici letela?
?o bych na Krivá? vznáša? sa chcela? —
Sitno je ?úbosti hora!
Len tvoje, milý, prsia otvorím,
a tu sa dušou celou zanorím
do vlastnej ?úbosti mora!

Well, why shall I look in Himalayas,
In Cordilleras for the world of love
Around our pretty country at Tatras
I can find it in pieces and as a whole
Why would I fly to Havranica
Why would I fly to
Krivá?? —
Sitno is the mountain of love!
Only your chest, my beloved, will I open,
and I immerse my whole soul
into the sea of my own love


Tie ?asy tajdú. ?itia obrazy
miznú jak tône blankyta
a hne? zabúria víchrice skazy,
hne? š?astia výslnie svitá.
Za letom leto prudko sa valí,
a kto dnes ešte tvár svoju chváli,
zajtra u? padá bez vlády;
hodina ka?dá pás v ?elo ryje:
ale kto láske a kráse ?ije,
ten ve?ne zostane mladý.

Those times are ending. Images of life
disappear like the clearness of blue sea
and the winds of doom are raging
and then the sunshine of happiness dawns
Summer after summer, rolling wildly
and he who is praising his own face today
he falls tomorrow, powerless
Every hour carves a line in the forehead
but he who lives for love, beauty instead
he shall remain eternally young


Mlados?, ot?ina horiacej túhy!
Mlados?, vrelých citov skala!
Mlados?, ty obraz nádejnej dúhy!
Mlados?, ty lásky Valhala!
Mlados?, ty prero? ?ivota brehy
a zápalom stop m?tvosti snehy,
?o chladných srdcí moc kryjú!
Ty duchom svojím vzkries aj tie telá,
na ktorých schladlé starobou ?elá
smutné Hóry vrásky ryjú!

Youth, fatherland of burning desire !
Youth,  rock of flaming emotions
Youth, you image of hopeful rainbow
Youth, you Valhalla of love
Youth, you transform the shores of life
and melt the dead snows ardently
that cover the power of cold hearts
You, with your spirit, resurrect also the bodies
upon which foreheads, cold with age,
the sad hours are carving wrinkles

Mlados?! ?i tvoje milé zápaly
nie sú ohne svetlonosov?
Mlados?! ?i tvojich tú?ob kryštály
nie sú slabou rána rosou? —
Oj, na? by nebo mohutnos? dalo,
keby mladistvé len sníva? malo
?udstvo zlaté kiesi hory! —
Mladosti vädnú, mlados? je ve?ná,
ona je v zvratoch ?asov bezpe?ná,
lebo z ?asov ve?nos? tvorí.

Youth! Aren‘t your beautiful ardencies
the fires of light-bearers
! aren‘t the crystals of your desires
drops of the mild morning dew
? —
Oh, why would heavens grant us greatness
if the youthful should only be dreaming
about somebody’s golden mountains
! —
The young ones wither, but youth is eternal
she is safe in the twists of times
because she creates eternity from times


A ?o je mlados?? — Dvadsa?pä? rokov?
Ru?ových tvárí hla? jará?
?i údov sila? ?i strmos? krokov?
Toto sa všetko zostará!
Mlados? je tú?ba ?ivá po kráse,
je hlas nebeský v zemskom ohlase,
je nepokoj duší svätý,
je tá mohutnos?, ?o slávu h?adá,
je kvetín lásky rajská záhrada,
je anjel v prachu zaviaty!

And what is youth ? — Twenty five years?
The vivid smoothness of pink cheeks
Or the power of limbs
? Or steepness of the walk?
All this shall just grow old
Youth is a living desire for beauty
it’s heavenly voice in earthly echo
it’s the holy unrest of the souls
it’s the greatness that seeks glory
it’s the garden of Eden with flowers of love
it’s an angel, covered in dust


Nezverte, ?udia, tô?am letiacim
zázra?né tieto poklady,
údom nad hrobom pozdným k?a?iacim
útechu daj, anjel mladý!
Špatný mládenec, ?o šedín mdloby
po kvetoch svojej jarnej podoby
ako mrazné hmly rozlo?í!
Pekný to Nestor, ?o ve?nos? mladú
nedá si zaklia? osudov ?adu,
ani zastrie? obraz bo?í. —

People, do not entrust these magical treasures
to the shadows that are flying by

to the limbs kneeling above grave
oh bring them consolation, youthful angel
A wicked young man is he who lays his faints of gray
around the flowers of his earlier image
like the freezing fogs
Pretty is the Nestor, who does not let the young eternity

to be bewitched with the ice of fates,
neither does he let the divine image to be covered
. —

Na brehoch Hrona šuhaj sa brodí
po lúkach kvetných, rodinných,
sviato?né slnce slávne zachodí
do mrakov, do krajov iných;
a hlavu kloní mládenec tichý,
akoby lie?ne kvetín kalichy
prezeral ranám k obleve;
a zas o?ma sa nesie k oblakom,
akoby bô?no mladým tým zrakom
bolo hni? v zemskosti pleve.

Young man is walking at the bank of Hron
on meadows familiar, flowering
festive sun sets down gloriously
into the clouds, in different lands
and the silent young man bows his head,
as if he was looking for
the healing
flowers to soothe his wounds
and there he looks into the sky,
as if it was too painful for his young sight
to rot down here in the earthly chaff


Ach, sladké sú to mladých hodiny,
v ktorých ?ia? sladko hovorí,
v ktorých hne? v nebies lietaš výšiny,
hne? v ?ivlov zemských priestory,
a cítiš naraz i nebies slasti,
i pekných svetov vábne priepasti
a v tej vo?nosti umieraš:
Nádejí tisíc k duši ti letí,
a hviezda slávy nová ti svieti,
ke? na tej západ pozeráš.

Oh, sweet are the hours of the young ,
in which sorrow speaks sweetly
in which you fly into heavenly heights
and in the realms of earthly elements
and at the same time, you feel the pleasures of heavens
and the luring abyss of pretty worlds

and you die within that freedom:
thousands of hopes flying to your soul
and a new star of glory shines for you
when you’re looking at her going down


Ach, smutné sú to mladých hodiny,
v ktorých slas? smutno hovorí,
v ktorých z pozemských svetov ní?iny
srdce k ve?nosti zahorí,
zahorí tú?bou, vylietne mocou,
ale pod hluchou podlosti nocou
vrstovník jeho zostáva:
Jak ?i? pri hrobnom milenky krí?i?
Jak vznies? sa, ke? ?a ve?nos? poní?i?
Oj, svetov neslávna sláva! —

Oh, sad are those hours of the young ,
in which the pleasure sadly talks
in which the heart flames for eternity
from the lowlands of the earthly worlds
flames with desire
, flies with power,
but in the deaf treachery of the night
his fellow comrade stays
How to live at the tombstone of your lover
How to fly when eternity humiliates you
Oh, the infamous glory of the worlds
! —

A vlny Hrona stíchli, zastali,
ctiac si myšlienky šuhaja,
a šumie? šumom vábnym prestali
lístky z jelšín jarých hája;
a ako pastier ?ujný sa schytí,
ke? hlas liatovcov ?ltých necíti,
z vo?avej kvetín posteli:
tak sa mládenec trhol, zastavil,
ke? sa šum rieky v tichosti preplavil
a jelše šuš?a? nechceli.

And the waves of Hron stood silent, still,
honouring the thoughts of the young man
and they stopped hissing with their luring noise
them leaves of the  green alder groves
and like the alert shepherd stands up
when he cannot hear the voices of the cast bells
lying on his scented bed of flowers
so the young man twitched and stopped
when the river waters silently
and the alders refused to sound


Hron sa zas valí k skale od skaly,
zašplechtal o breh k rozchodu,
a tri sa jelše šumno zhýbali
nad jasnú slovenskú vodu,
a zdvihli ?osi, vetry zaviali,
a jelše kladú ?osi na skaly —
bola to krásna mladucha.
Šuhaj ten stojí divom zajatý,
hlasom strieborným zdá sa oviaty
ka?dý ?uv zvedného ucha.

Hron keeps on rolling from stone to stone ,
it splashed the bank goodbye
and three alders bent nicely
over the clear Slovak water
and the lifted something, the winds have blown
and the alders are putting something on the rocks
it was a beautiful bride
The young man stands there, astonished
the silver voice seems to have enchanted
the young man’s listening ears


A šumia jelše a šumia šaty

bielu?ké ako ?alia,

a hrdlom jasným k ?adrám sa zlatý

vlások diev?iny rozvíja:

Ide, prichádza a poletuje,

?ahká jej nô?ka kvety ?utuje

a trávku mladú nedlávi;

v ruke má veniec bieloru?ový,

ten vábne podá šuhajovi

a zlietne do bujnej trávy.

And the alders hiss, and the dress, too
as white as the lilies
and through her clear throat, down to her bresats
a golden hair of the maid spreads
It spreads, coming and flying around
her light foot fells sorry for the flowers
and it does not tread on the young grass
a garland of white roses in her hand
she hands it to the young man seductively
and flies down to the lush grass

V prsiach mládenských vrie po?iar citov
a blýska zrakma jasnýma,
na ?ele jeho de? dávny svitol,
pamiatky sladké objíma.
Blýska o?ima na krásy Víly,
bo v tých krásach mu city o?ili,
ktoré u? v mohyle tleli:
O?ili, ale na kraji hrobu
vlajú, aby sa v smrti ?a?obu
hádam naveky zavreli.

The fire of emotions burns in the young chest
and flashes with its bright eyes
on his forehead, an ancient day has dawned
he is embracing sweet memories
He casts his eyes a the beauties of the Fairy
as in her beauties, his emotions revived
that were already rotting in tomb
revived, but at the very edge of the grave
they are balancing, perhaps to fall down
forever into the heaviness of death


Zo zabudnutia zahmlených svetov
drahá sa deva vrátila,
a z ?alších ?itia jeho predmetov
šuhaja Víla vzbúrila:
Ach, ale Víla nádeju nedá
?úbosti, ktorej raz sudba bledá
ukrutne hrdlo zakrúti;
cíti to junák, deva to sníva,
a z úst oboch sa ?ia?ne ozýva
skrahlej lásky spev labutí. —

From the forgotten realms of foggy worlds
beloved maid has come back
and form another matters of his living
the Fairy has awakened the young man
Oh, but the fairy gives no hope
to the love which once will have
her throat dreadfully broken by the pale fate
the young man feels that
, the maid dreams that ,
and from the mouths of both, there sadly echoes
the death toll of the numb love
. —


Kde?e si bola, nevesta moja?
Biela tvár tvoja divná mi;
kde?e ti je z líc ru?a pokoja?
?o máš s hronskými vlnami? —
Aj krásna si mi — ale tie krásy
zastiera cudzia bytnos? akási —
prázdna je tvoja mohyla —
zdá sa, ?e ?ivly zemské ti slú?ia,
ale zemš?ana prsia sa ú?ia
pri tebe: kto si? „Ja? Víla!“ —

Where have you been, my bride ?
Your pale face seems weird to me
Where is the peaceful rose from your cheeks
And what do you have to do with the waves of Hron
? —
Yes, you are beautiful to me
— but your beauties
seem to be shaded by some alien being

your tomb is empty

it seems that the earthly elements do serve you
but the chest of an earthly man narrows
near you
: who are you? „Me? The Fairy!“ —

Blí?ite sa zas, obrazy dávne,
do mládenských hájov duši!
?a?ké ste mi, a predsa zábavné,
?ia? váš ?iale moje ruší:
Nu?, po?te, prsia cele roztvorím,
aspo? raz ešte citom zahorím,
ktorý raj mi kedys’ tvoril;
onemiem, ešte raz prehovorím,
chrám ten ?úbosti ešte raz stvorím,
abych naveky ho zboril! —

You are coming again, ancient images
back into the groves of my youthful soul
You are so heavy, and yet so funny
your sorrow disturbs my sorrows
Well, come on, I open my chest wide
and I shall flame with emotion one last time
that was a paradise to me once
I go speechless, then I shall speak once again
and I shall once again create the temple of love
so that I can tear it down forever
! —


„Zboril, zboril!“ to strakavé Hole
dva ráz za ním opakujú:
a od severu dolinou dole
hlasy v prudkých vetroch dujú;
po?úva junák tieto ohlasy,
a dupkom jeho je?ia sa vlasy:
tak myslíte aj vy, hory? —
Zbori?? — Neverím sprostej prírode,
cudzia je ona v ducha slobode: —
duch môj chrám ten nerozborí! —

„Tear down, tear down!“ echoing mountains
repeat after him for two times
and from the North, down the valley
voices blown in fierce winds
the young man listens to these echoes
and he gets goosebumps all over his body
so do you think, too, mountains
? —
Tear down
? — I don‘t believe stupid nature,
it is strange to the spiritual freedom
: —
my spirit shall not tear the temple down
! —


Ale nebude to chrám ?úbosti,
oj, tejto niet v mojej moci!
Spadla u? hviezda mojej milosti,
dala „zbohom“ mojej noci:
Ale vystavím kolibu malú
a v nej ulo?ím osiralú
dušu vo snov ?ahkých vienky:
a pod kolibkou tiché sklepenie,
tam odpo?inie moje tú?enie
v hrobe spiacej rozpomienky. —

But it shall not be the temple of love ,
for I have no power over love
The star of my mercy has fallen already
 „farewell“ to my night:
But I shall build a small hut
and inside, I shall lay my orphaned
soul into the garlands of light dreams
and under the cottage, a silent cellar
there shall my desire lay to rest
in the grave of the sleeping memory
. —


Toto preriekol a drie?na Víla
po?úva v ?om city svoje;
a vábnos? devy zas obrátila
k sebe zrakov mu?ských dvoje:
Kde?e si bola, Víla-Marína?
Aká je tvojej vlasti krajina?
Aké sú tam tvoje ?asy?
?o chceš s tým vencom, ktorýs’ mi dala?
Kde si tie ru?e do?ho nabrala?
Kde sú tvoje vrané vlasy? —

So he said, and the beautiful Fairy
can hear her emotions inside him
and the beauty of the maid has turned
the two maly eyes back upon herself again
Where have you been
, Fairy-Marína?
What is the country that you call homeland
What are your times back there
What do you want to do with the garland you gave me
Where have you taken the roses for it
Where is your raven-black hair
? —


Mládenec milý! ach, rada by ja
ešte s tebou ?udsky cíti?,
ale obledlá u? raz ?alia
farbu ru?í nemô?’ chyti?:
Líca moje sa nezabronejú
a ústa moje u? nezaznejú —
hádam nikdy — citom lásky; —
m?a osud vyrval z tvojho náru?ia,
a ?o ma teraz od teba lú?ia,
sú ?ivotov vyšších ?iastky.

Beloved young man! Oh, I would love
to feel human emotions for you once again
but a lily that once withered
cannot get the colour of the roses again:
My cheeks will no more turn red
and my lips shall sing no more  —
never ever — with the emotion of love; —
the fate has torn me from your arms,
and what is now separating me from you,
are the fragments of higher lives.


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