Saturday, August 20, 2011

Largest crocodile in captivity: Cassius set world record (HD Video)

Green Island, Queensland, Australia -- Cassius, the 5.5m saltwater crocodile held at Green Island, off Cairns, sets the world record for the largest captive croc in the world, according to the World Record Academy (
largest crocodile in captivity Cassius
  Photo: Cassius, the World's Largest Crocodile, has called Marineland Melanesia his home for 24 years. ( enlarge photo )

  The Guinness world record for the largest crocodile in captivity was set by Cassius, an Australian saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus), at 5.48 m (17 ft 11.75 in).

Guinness World Records also recognized the world record for the Largest crocodile ever, set by Sarcosuchus imperator, who was a prehistoric species of crocodile which lived around 110 million years ago . Recent fossilised remains found in the Sahara Desert suggest that this creature took around 50-60 years to grow to its full length of around 11-12 metres (37-40 ft) and its maximum weight of around 8 tonnes.

 Cassius bears the scars from his battles with other crocs during his younger days, and has lost his left arm. But at times, the giant reptile has shown a softer side.

  "He has shown a bit of an affectionate side with some of the younger female crocs we've introduced to him," Marineland Melanesia keeper Toody Scott said.

  But as with most crocodiles, looks can be deceiving, notes the Local Cairns News.
 "He's a very wise croc, very good at pretending that he's nice and gentle," Mr Scott said.
Cassius the world's largest crocodile in captivity
 "He can very much lull you into a false sense of security, which is what crocodiles are very good at doing. "I wouldn't trust him for a second."

 ( enlarge photo )

  Marineland Melanesia presently houses over 50 crocodiles, ranging from small hatchings to giants like "Cassius".

  According to the Marineland Melanesia website, The Australian Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus Porosus) like "Cassius" is the largest and most fearsome of today's species. It can live to over 100 years, can grow to 7 metres (23ft) and weigh more than one tonne!

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Largest school of sharks: the Dubai Aquarium

Smallest snake: Leptotyphlops carlae

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Largest Oyster: Richard Mesce

Saturday, August 20, 2011

[ World Record Certificate

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